
e-Poster Submission

The 3rd ICRST, will make the abstracts (both Oral and Poster presentation) available for browsing as an e-Poster only when the authors accepted to publish their presentation in the Conference App.
Those who want to make their presentations available on the e-Poster should prepare their presentation data following the instructions below and submit it to our e-Poster Submission system below.

NOTE: e-Poster Submission system provides as a part of the 45th JSRT Autumn Meeting Disital Poster Submission system. Please submit your e-Poster to the following upload system if you can understand Japanese.
THE 45TH JSRT Digital Poster Submission

Login ID: your Paper Number (ex. IO-01)
Password: your Abstract ID (10-digit number)

Dates and Deadlines

Open: Friday, August 25, 2017 (JST)
Close: Friday, September 15, 2017, 12 PM (JST)
NOTE: The deadline for submitting your e-Poster is September 15, 2017, 12 PM. If you miss this deadline, we will not be able to make your e-Poster available at the 3rd ICRST.

Data creation

  • Presentation data for this e-Poster cannot include any movies or screen switching animations / animations.
    Please prepare your data using Windows: MS PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013,and 2016.
  • Make your presentation data 20MB or smaller (total data file size).
  • Specify a display area aspect ratio of 4:3 for the pages of your presentation and up to 20 slides can be registered.
  • OR should you put all the information in a single slide, the data should be 140cm Height * 83cm Width.
  • Please disclose conflicts of interest within your presentation data (Any format is acceptable).
  • We recommend you to use the standard fonts such as Century, Century Gothic, Times New Roman, etc.
  • If you are worried about garbled characters or layout corruptions, please convert the presentation data to image format.
  • Please use the first slide (slide 1) as the title slide including the presentation title, paper number and all author names).
  • You can modify the data at any time during the submission period.
    We will not accept any additions or changes to the data after the data submission has been closed.