Call for Abstracts


Call for Abstracts submission deadline:
Monday, June 2, 2014

Notification of acceptance:
Friday, June 20, 2014

Abstract submissions have now closed.

Call for Abstracts

The types of submissions considered for 2nd ICRST and general requirements for each are listed on this page. All submissions must conform to the format and presentation requirements described herein. The theme of 2nd ICRST is “Optimization and personal control of patient dose in clinical medicine” , and we are pleased to announce for submitting the related topics.

The abstract file must not exceed 400 words and must include:

  • The names, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, prefecture/state, and country, if international) of all presenters.
  • A concise and informative title
  • The names and academic degree(s)
  • The affiliation(s) and affiliations, and locations (city, prefecture/state, and country, if international) of all presenters.


  1. Radiation dose measurement and reduction
  2. Medical imaging processing and analysis for dose reduction and outcome quality
  3. Patient dose optimization in nuclear medicine
  4. Quality assurance in radiation therapy
  5. Practice Management and Informatics in dose reduction
  6. Education
  7. Others


A description and outline of the proposed presentation, a list of specific educational goals, and a description of who should attend. Full-length papers are not required, and only the abstracts will appear in the conference program.

The author should include his/her contact information:

The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author

Abstracts should be submitted by email to the following address.



As one of the goals of the ICRST is to help practitioners translate the science of radiologic technology into real-world practice, these talks will report on the leading evidence-based science-guided practice of radiologic technology. Each talk will be 7 minutes in length plus 3 minutes for discussion. It is expected that each presenter will define a specific area of radiologic technology that is relevant to one of the main conference themes and describe how the best science informs optimal practice.

  • Only the oral presentation that uses your own computer.
  • You have 7 minutes for your presentation.
  • You have 3 minutes for Q&A time in your presentation.


(for Japanese)
2014年04月14日up 学会雑誌 第70巻4号掲載

[お知らせ]The 2nd International Conference on Radiological Science and Technology(第2回国際放射線技術科学会議)の開催と演題募集について